Own Touch Soccer and ONYX ELITE are excited to announce our 10 session High School Training Program for the winter. This program will focus on speed of play, conditioning, speed and agility, and significant technical training. Each player will be motivated to push beyond their comfort zone and will have fun doing it. This program designed to progressively build fitness and soccer skills in preparation for each individual high school season and/or try-outs.
Each session will consist of 1 hour of technical skills training and 1 hour fitness training (cardio-vascular conditioning and agility training). Own Touch highly qualified and experienced coaches will run the technical soccer training and ONYX ELITE will have highly qualified performance coaches running the Speed/Agility and Conditioning.This program is open to all players preparing for Boys soccer, Girls soccer, Varsity, or Jr. Varsity.
All trainees are required to train in Own Touch uniforms. If you do not already have the black Own Touch Training Uniform (Black Jersey, Black Shorts and Black Socks). You can order your uniform by Clicking here. Please note Puma does run very small and there are samples at Own Touch. Soccer post places orders on Mondays and it takes 1-2 weeks to arrive.
Dates: Dec 4th-Feb 12th
Days: Tuesday
Times: 5pm-7pm
Location: Own Touch Central (Located inside U-Turn Sports Academy)Cost: $425